Proclaim Developer

Proclaim Developers are IT Professionals that specialise in the development of Proclaim Case Management Software from Access Group.


A good Proclaim Developer will have not only carried out the full Access Training programme but also have several years of experience under their belts.


Working with an experienced Proclaim Developer will ensure a higher quality solution is delivered and in a much shorter time frame.

So what is a Proclaim Developer?

Do I need a Proclaim Developer?

Whilst the Proclaim Case Management Software package is extremely powerful, you really need a Proclaim Developer to harness this power. The out of the box case types will almost certainly need to be adapted for your companies needs and processes. 


This is where a Proclaim Developer can help, adjusting documents which pull through case data or only show paragraphs as an when required. Adapt screens and workflows to trigger the right tasks when they're required.

Proclaim Developer

There are many benefits to outsourcing any type of development work not just Proclaim. Getting resource at short notice when your own developer are tied up on other projects, the flexibility to scale up Proclaim Development resource when needed and getting someone with extensive experience. It's also not always financially viable to have a Proclaim Developer full time.


Why should I choose an outsourced Proclaim Developer?

Proclaim Developer

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Contact us

If you're new to Proclaim and want to chat about what is possible we'd love to hear from you. Equally if you know your Advanced Reports from your MIWH but need a little extra resourse we'd be happy to help.